We are proud to share our latest ISI Inspection Report which confirms Heath Mount is fully compliant in all areas and awards us a 'significant strength' - an accolade only awarded in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of meaningful impact on pupils. Following a rigorous inspection process, ISI inspectors emphasised the school's ability to 'recognise, develop and celebrate the success of every individual child' whilst perpetuating a 'culture of high levels of achievement in all subjects' as a significant strength. Building children's self-esteem and confidence, inspectors noted, 'positively affects their performance in all areas of school life.' The glowing feedback praises our teachers' expert subject knowledge and our rich, ambitious curriculum which goes beyond age-related expectations of the national curriculum. It concludes that pupils make 'rapid progress' - with our senior leavers achieving impressive senior school exam and scholarship results. See the full report on our website https://www.heathmount.org/isi-report-2025 We hope that our wonderful staff, pupils and parents can feel proud tonight of their invaluable contributions to making Heath Mount the magical place it is. @goodschoolsguide @tatlerschools @muddystilettosschools @muddyhertsbeds @tesforteachers @independentschoolparent
Our Year 6 historians made sure they had the best view of the lavish ceiling art at Burghley House this week, lying on the floor to take in the incredible scenes and impressive tromp l'oeil! Burghley, built by Queen Elizabeth I's High Treasurer, William Cecil, was the perfect place for the children to learn more about Tudor life and Elizabeth's reign. It was great fun to imagine themselves at a banquet and to explore the richly furnished State Rooms and the cavernous kitchen. #enrichment
Nursery pupils surprised our Headmaster, Mr Gillam, with a very special visit this week! The children - who were celebrating friendship and difference with a day dedicated to David McKee's iconic patchwork elephant, Elmer - paraded from Nursery to the main mansion house to proudly show him their handmade Elmer headbands. Mr Gillam loved hearing about the fun games and dancing they had enjoyed. @elmerthepatchworkelephant #nursery #hertfordshire #hertfordshiremums Did you know.... Our Pre-Nursery accepts children age 2+ from the term they turn three. We invite all prospective children to join us for a Nursery 'Stay And Play' session with a parent on a normal school day. Find out more by emailing our registrar, Mrs Louise Cook, at registrar@heathmount.org or call 01920 832916 or visit our website (see link in Bio) Children enjoy the use of our dedicated, light-filled Nursery site complete with their own adventure playground and woodland area. Our award-winning early years provision, described by the Good Schools Guide as an 'infant utopia', provides a magical, happy start to a child's educational journey.
U11 National IAPS Runners-Up! The girls did an incredible job today, making some amazing comebacks to reach the final two in the national @iapsuk final. They battled all day, winning their matches against some amazing teams from Yarm School, Putney High, Taunton School, Downsend School, The Croft School and The Blue Coat School Birmingham. Despite putting their all into the final match, it wasn't to be and @butehousepreparatoryschool won the day, 7-3. Congratulations to our Heath Mount U11s and their coaches on their fantastic achievement and to the girls at Bute House for becoming national champions! We would also like to thank @iapsuksport and our hosts @bryanstonschool for a super day of netball. Before the tournament, the girls were fortunate to have a surprise shooting session with Super League player Ellie Gibbons, kindly organised by the Head of Netball @canfordschool! Thank you, Ellie, for inspiring some sensational shots today! #nationalachievement #prepschool #netball #passionforsport @muddyhertsbeds @muddystilettosschools @goodschoolsguide @tatlerschools @tesforteachers
25 March All Day
25 March 5:00pm
26 March 8:15am – 8:45am
27 March All Day
27 March All Day
27 March 9:15am
27 March 3:30pm – 4:30pm
28 March All Day
28 March All Day
28 March All Day
28 March All Day
29 March All Day
Heath Mount School, Woodhall Park, Watton-at Stone, Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG14 3NG
+44 (0)1920 830 230
Prospective families are warmly invited to join us from 9-11am on Tuesday, 29th April for a tour and refreshments. Please register your place here. We look forward to welcoming you!