Page 109 - HMS 2020
P. 109
The Return to School
There were smiles all round as we welcomed back
Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils at the start of June followed by the other year groups in the last couple of weeks of term. The children happily settled back into school life and did a great job of adhering to social distancing and regular handwashing. Our incredible maintenance team designed and built six external hand-washing stations complete with hot water and even erected a huge dividing wall in the PAC to allow two Year 8 bubbles to return.
The grounds team painted sports grids, footprints and divided playing fields while our cleaning team scrubbed and disinfected in preparation. New classrooms sprung up as
the Headmaster’s office, the Performing Arts Centre, Dance Studio, Chapel, Music Room, Art Room, DT rooms, Library and Staff Room were all requisitioned. The Woodhall Estate generously opened up new paths through the Estate for the children to enjoy the remainder of the Summer term. Pupils relished the chance to run free in the open fields, spot wildlife on the beautiful Broadwater Lake and paddle in the river.