Page 12 - HMS 2020
P. 12
Forest School
“I very much enjoyed gathering firewood for Ranger Shenton to build a bonfire and loved using the big loppers to chop wood and make my own medal. Forest School is my favourite time of the week!” Lincoln B, Year 2
“I enjoyed the owl pellet dissection because I liked seeing the bones to find out what the owl had eaten.”
Florence A, Year 2
“My favourite activity was when we used little magnifying glasses to catch bugs.” Bea S, Year 1
“I loved making delicious hot chocolate with Kelly Kettle and making dens for the bear.” Abe T, Year 2
“I really liked using the bow saw because it was grown up and so cool to have the chance to do it!”
Alicia M, Year 2
“We gathered a lot of leaves to build the nest for the dragon and it was really good fun. Next time I go to Forest School I want to build a bunny from the logs and leaves and mud. The mud is for the glue, the leaves are for the fur and the logs are for the body, arms and legs. It will have a circle log for the head.” Henry S, Reception
“I just like getting my hands muddy!”
Livia P, Reception
“I love playing in the mud and jumping up and down in the muddy puddles. I make things with sticks and twigs and feathers.” Theo C, Nursery