Page 130 - HMS 2020
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During our period of remote learning, Miss Ferguson took to the Heath Mount airwaves to bring our community together with her fabulous podcasts. Here we turn the tables and put our Head of Drama in the hot seat to answer our burning questions!
Q What was your great hope when you launched the podcast series?
It sounds obvious to say, but on that first day when the school was in lockdown and the classrooms and corridors were empty, I was struck so strongly by the reality that the actual heartbeat of our school is of course, the people. In those early days,
the buildings were so quiet and I really felt that I wanted to try and keep the heart of the school going if I could by recording and listening to each other’s voices. I didn’t have a clue how to do it though!
Q Were there any teething issues getting the podcasts off the
In the second ever episode I was still very much figuring out how to record audio.
I remember trying not to have an echo and so decided to interview Mrs Nightingale whilst under a rug as I had read that might help. The problem was that I couldn’t see my questions and had to use my phone as a torch, which I was also using as my microphone, whilst balancing my laptop on my knees for the Zoom interview. I was absolutely roasting under the rug and kept having to come up for air. Mrs Nightingale kept stifling her laughter and looking on in disbelief as she continued to answer my questions in her usually unflappable and wise manner!
Q Pupilwellbeingwasclearlyamajor focus in the podcasts. Which guests
do you think helped our community reflect on the changes brought by lockdown and find the positives?
When we started Season 2, Mr Spowart thought of starting a Wellbeing Wednesday slot and it was such a positive series of episodes. I think for me, interviewing James Shone from ‘I can and I am’ was such an honour, as he highlighted through his own story of perseverance and courage that
he always tried to “Look Up, Look Out and Look Forward”. I have definitely reflected on his words in any tough lockdown moments.
Q You interviewed many staff colleagues during the podcasts,
what did you discover?
I learnt that they are all absolute heroes! To see and hear what they were doing to teach their classes online was so inspiring, and then they made time to chat on
the podcast too. And I was completely amazed to learn that Mr Gillam doesn’t drink tea or coffee – how he does his job without caffeine is extraordinary!
Q There were so many fun themes, which were your favourites?
Definitely the Harry Potter and Star Wars themed podcasts and class quizzes. Anything involving the kids was so much
fun to record. It doesn’t get any better than looking at your screen and seeing a Year 1 pupil dressed up as Chewbacca and Mrs Jones in full wizard robes!
Q Who surprised you the most and why?
Mrs Greer’s improvised stories were absolutely amazing! She is such a podcast enthusiast and a seasoned and talented storyteller, so when
she asked if she could do one of her infamous improvised stories I was honoured to have her share her talents. Those nursery kids are so lucky!
Q There were plenty of emotional segments, what was the most
moving moment?
I found the final episode of the Easter term really emotional. Mr Gillam spoke with such inspiring and comforting words, Miss White sang ‘You’ll never walk alone’ so beautifully, followed by Laila and Oliver reciting a poem about hope. Oh and Doodle was in that one too! I remember uploading it and feeling so overwhelmed by what a strong and special school we are all so blessed to be a part of.
Q Tell us something not many people at Heath Mount know
about you?
I used to teach at the real Hogwarts! The school was opposite where a young JK Rowling used to live and it’s gothic towers, inspired much of the details of the famous Wizarding School.
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The Last Word:
Miss Ferguson
Queen of Podcasts!
Quickfire round:
Theatre or Cinema? Theatre – every time.
Books or Kindle? Books – I don’t own a kindle and don’t think I ever will.
Shakespeare or Stoppard? Oh – it’s a tough one. Stoppard’s Arcadia is one of my all-time favourite plays, but despite that, the Bard will always win, every time.
North or South? The more North the better!
Cheese or Chocolate? Chocolate.
Sun or Snow? Sun – I am the world’s worst skier!
Netball or Hockey? Hockey. I am the sad exception to the rule that tall people are good at netball.
Dogs or Cats? Dogs – without question. The cuddlier the better!
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