Page 50 - HMS 2020
P. 50
1. Daniel C 2. Abbey T 3. Safi R
4. Zac G
5. Harry M
Pupils were set the challenge of creating a painting in acrylic in the style of famed Impressionist
Vincent Van Gogh. Firstly they chose a Van Gogh image then picked two complementary colours, one for the foreground and the other for the background. They painted using
‘Van Gogh-style’ brushwork, their own colour scheme and Van Gogh’s tones – re-interpreting Van Gogh in a lively, often vibrant manner. Geoff Church
Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ inspired Year 6’s pottery classes. They made these beautiful ceramic bowls using glass pebbles to stunning effect.
48 Bowls by: Lizzy C, Chloe C, Diggory C, Zach H and Jonny D