Page 6 - HMS 2020
P. 6
Pre-Prep Review
What a year it has been! Our Pre-Prep community has shown strength, resilience, perseverance and willingness to adapt as we have enjoyed experiences together and embraced unexpected opportunities.
We celebrated the start of the academic year with a beautiful display of birds including puffins and kingfishers in the Pre-Prep Hall – reflecting the class names for each year group. As ever, the Christmas productions were a highlight of the Michaelmas term and it was a pleasure to see how the youngest members of our school spoke, sung and performed on stage with such confidence and passion.
With the onset of spring, our bird sculptures flew away and a bower of flowers emerged in the hall as each class was tasked to decorate an umbrella using a range of folding, painting and sculptural techniques.
In the Lent term, children enthusiastically took part in our Poetry Week. The staff were very proud of their efforts to memorise a poem or nursery rhyme and we particularly enjoyed hearing about dinosaurs, dogs eating homework and grand plans to stay six forever. Afterwards, some of the poems were hung amongst the trees and play equipment for the children to enjoy. We were also delighted to welcome award-winning poet Joshua Siegal who inspired the children to write some humorous poems of their own.
Holroyd Howe have remained a key part of our school days. From the delicious meals that James and his team create to the nutritionist and chefs who helped the children to understand food provenance, sustainability and a balanced diet. Even Peter Rabbit made an appearance!
A highlight for many was the Bush Tucker Trial where daring young children (and
Joshua Siegal
teachers!) tasted mealworm flapjacks and jungle juice amongst many other insect-based delights. It proved a truly unforgettable experience.
Although socially distant at the beginning of the Summer term, our sense of community remained strong as we found new ways to connect, share, grow and learn together; a testament to the fantastic children and families in our care. For many weeks, Zoom was the way we connected. Our learning continued to evolve through this online medium, which opened up new opportunities. Never before could
we have shared a pet horse or newly born lamb for ‘Show and Tell’.
Whilst some families decided to continue with our successful remote learning programme, for many the return to school
The new yoga mats have been a great addition to our mindfulness sessions.
in June was the final exciting step for this year. The children’s laughter and energy brought the dormant buildings back to life. During some lovely hot summer days, the children happily explored the Woodhall Estate, climbed trees, paddled in the river and picnicked with friends as they made the most of the beautiful landscape in which our special school sits.
This year is one we will never forget. We look forward to seeing what opportunities and adventures await us in September.
Anna Taylor, Head of Pre-Prep