Page 66 - HMS 2020
P. 66
Year 8 Head Boy and Head Girl End of Year Speeches
Head Boy: Oliver B
As the renowned pop mogul and street philosopher Drake once said, “We started at the bottom and we made it to the top!” I joined Heath Mount in Nursery and what a journey it has been; I’ve loved growing up with you all.
I didn’t ever imagine my speech to take place like this, for school to be closed for 12 weeks, for lessons to be taught online via Zoom and to have so much uncertainty in all of our lives. It’s been an interesting Summer term and one I think all of Heath Mount will have etched into their memories forever. I didn’t quite realise how much I loved being at Heath Mount until I couldn’t go anymore. It is fair
to say that you don’t realise the true value of something until it’s gone!
I am extremely happy and grateful
to be back with you all! Throughout my time at Heath Mount there have been endless opportunities for us all, academically, musically, artistically and on the sports field to name but a few.
Sport and Music have played a major role in my life at Heath Mount. Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to participate in many extraordinary concerts thanks to Miss White and the amazing Music department. I’m certainly going to
miss the end of term House matches and the summer concerts that I have been fortunate enough to participate in during previous years alongside my beloved drums.
I would like to encourage every one of you to get involved in as many extracurricular activities as possible; they really are part of what makes Heath Mount an exceptional school.
Heath Mount has taught me good sportsmanship and the importance of teamwork and leadership. Academically, the teachers have encouraged every single pupil to strive to be their
best and fulfil their potential. Most importantly, Heath Mount has taught me resilience, which has never been more important and needed than during this challenging time. Not every day is going to be great at Heath Mount; there will be plenty of ups and downs, successes and failures along the way, but things always turn out for the best.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Gillam and all of the teachers from all of us in Year 8, we would like to thank you for your resillience, hard work and for never giving up on us and for enabling us to be back here and finishing Year 8 in school.
I will have plenty of great lasting memories from my time at Heath Mount. One that stands out is breaking my thumb on the second day of the school ski trip and then spending the rest of the week skiing with one hand in plaster –
I should use this as an opportunity to thank a man who is athletic, charismatic and, of course, fluent in French for getting me through this experience. Merci Monsieur Bowden. (See I was paying attention in your French lessons.)
To my science trip to NASA – amazingly organised by Mrs Brace. It was an incredible experience being able to travel to Florida with my friends and have lunch with an astronaut. It was also an experiment in its self, holidaying with Mrs Brace!
To my favourite trip, India! I almost didn’t make this trip, I fell ill at the airport and Mr Pay had to carry me
on to the plane whilst I was being
sick – thank you Mr Pay! India is a
trip everyone should do, if given
the opportunity. Meeting the Dalit children was like nothing I expected, they have a great appreciation and happiness for life although they have very little. They have an amazing ability to make you feel great with their cheerful energy. And don’t be put off by the food, it was amazing, when I could beat Mr Pay to the buffet!
(He always won!)
As we now go our separate ways
to our future schools, we can feel optimistic about the prospect of new friendships and know that Heath Mount has equipped us with the skills and resilience to take on any new challenges that may come our way.
It has been a privilege to have been your Head Boy this year, not quite the speech day we were expecting and so looking forward to, but one we will remember for a long time. For now,
I would like to offer some advice to my fellow pupils I leave behind. Be yourself, have fun, and grab every opportunity with both hands. It is better to have tried and failed than
to have never tried at all.