We are excited to announce that 11 pupils in Year 8 have won sports scholarships to some of the most prestigious senior schools in the country, a total of 25% of the year group - and up 4 scholarships from last year: 3 scholarships to Uppingham 3 scholarships to Haileybury 2 scholarships to Millfield 1 scholarship to Oundle 1 scholarship to Rugby 1 scholarship to Bishop's Stortford College In addition, one year 6 pupil has won a sports scholarship to Aldenham. A huge congratulations to all 12 pupils on their richly-deserved scholarships; they have all shown great commitment to their training and been outstanding ambassadors for Heath Mount sport. Our Year 8 scholarship winners have all been members of our two-year Sports Scholars' programme - our unique enrichment pathway which helps Heath Mount's most dedicated athletes develop their skills and fitness on a bespoke basis. They have benefited from weekly strength and conditioning sessions as well as small-group coaching in their specialist sports and individual interview preparation. They have also enjoyed workshops with visiting coaches and pro players. We hope that all pupils who took part in our enrichment pathway have enjoyed their experience and carry with them all they have learnt about fitness, nutrition, sports psychology, leadership and more to their next schools and beyond. You can find out more about our sports scholars' programme and tour our sports facilities at our upcoming open morning on Tuesday, 29th April, 9-11am. Please register your place via our website - see link in Bio. #passionateaboutsport #sportscholar #privateschool #prepschoolsport #hertfordshire @goodschoolsguide @tatlerschools @muddyhertsbeds @muddystilettosschools @independentschoolparent
A huge thank you to Mr Morris, Chaplain at @thebishopsstortfordcollege, for leading our joyful Easter Service this morning. Everyone loved his special re-telling of the Resurrection story - brilliantly narrated by our Head Boy - with the help of 30 bars of chocolate! Mr Morris also delivered a dramatic and thought-provoking monologue from the point of view of Jesus' disciple, Thomas We also enjoyed plenty of musical treats from our Bax Choir, Concert Band and soloists and the whole congregation enthusiastically joined in our Easter hymns. Tomorrow, we look forward to our Easter Bonnet Parade and House Cross Country to end what has been a very busy, successful and fulfilling Lent term! #Easter2025 #prepschoollife
Today we're celebrating these talented Year 8 pupils who have won drama and art scholarships to a prestigious selection of senior schools. Following a rigorous assessment process, two pupils have won coveted drama scholarship awards to Haileybury and one to Felsted whilst another one pupils has been awarded an art scholarship at Ampleforth one at Framlingham and one to Christ's Hospital. All six girls have taken part in our two-year internal art scholars' and drama scholars' enrichment programmes. Led by our Head of Art and Head of Drama, they were given individual mentoring and support to prepare for their assessments and to develop their skills and outstanding portfolios. The girls have dedicated a huge amount of time and hard work into their studies and we are so glad that their efforts have been recognised. We look forward to hearing how they progress at their senior schools. #scholarship #enrichment #privateschool #hertfordshire @goodschoolsguide @tatlerschools @muddystilettosschools @muddyhertsbeds
Our U12 boys were absolute lions on the rugby field yesterday as they took part in the Herts Schools County Rugby Tournament, finishing 6th out of over 20 teams. Our coaches were incredibly impressed by their passion and teamwork and we can't wait for the next rugby season to see this talented group develop even further.
28 March All Day
28 March All Day
28 March All Day
28 March All Day
29 March All Day
30 March All Day
31 March All Day
31 March All Day
1 April All Day
1 April All Day
2 April All Day
2 April All Day
Heath Mount School, Woodhall Park, Watton-at Stone, Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG14 3NG
+44 (0)1920 830 230
Prospective families are warmly invited to join us from 9-11am on Tuesday, 29th April for a tour and refreshments. Please register your place here. We look forward to welcoming you!