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As the Michaelmas Term draws to a close, the Year 5 children have been putting their festive feelings down on paper - producing some wonderful seasonal poetry to enjoy by the fireside.

Christmas is my favourite time of year,
I love to have my family near.
Christmas sounds like laughter,
We are always happy after.
I like it when the snow is on the ground,
'Cause when I walk there is no sound.
By Amelie




In the kitchen Christmas smells like
mouthwatering sweets.  in the whole house the
boiling oven heats! Christmas tastes lke cinnamon
in every room of the house.  And for the left overs
there waits the furry mouse!
Christmas looks like the warm fire crackling in the
fire place.
Before I go out I check for snow.
By Jemima 
Christmas sounds like ringing church bells
Which make me smile with joy!
All the lovely Christmas smells
And all my amazing toys.
Christmas feels like a warm dressing-gown
All cosy and fun inside.
Everyone is running around the busy town,
My dog decides to hide!
By Isobel 


Christmas has thousands of fantastic different smells,
Outside I can still hear the loud ringing bells.
All the nice, kind, cheeky elves
Have been watching closely from the shelves.
Christmas is magical and full of joy.
I would really like a brand new toy!
I love when family come to stay - 
They have three dogs by the way!
By Isabella

See our festive Christmas Gallery here