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What Others Say


ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) Report 2025

Fully compliant in all areas

"A rich and varied school curriculum of academic, creative and sporting activities...that goes beyond the age-related expectations of the national curriculum"

"Pupils maintain high levels of self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence which successfully confirm their general sense of worth and purpose with the school being effective in perpetuating a culture of high levels of achievement in all subjects."

"Teachers have "ambitious expectations for their pupils which enables them to make typically rapid progress"

Pupils have an "understanding of the difference between right and wrong," they "behave well and articulate the school’s values of integrity, industry, resilience, respect and acceptance to…help prepare them effectively for the future." A copy of the full report can be viewed here

ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) Report 2022
“Excellent in all areas”

“Pupils make excellent progress from their starting points across the curriculum.  They have an excellent attitude to learning and an ability to accept making mistakes as a step to progress.  Their achievements beyond the classroom are outstanding, especially in sport, art and music.”

“Children in the EYFS (Nursery & Reception) reach expected levels of development rapidly and, by the end of Year 6, almost two-thirds of older pupils achieve results which are significantly above the expectations for pupils sitting similar tests.” 

“Pupils grow into assured individuals with high self-esteem and confidence devoid of egotism.  Their manners are excellent.”  A copy of our ISI Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report (January 2022) can be viewed here.

The Good Schools Guide 2024

"A thriving prep that’s as popular with parents as it is with pupils. The musical, the sporty and eager all-rounders of every kind will flourish at Heath Mount."

 "Visible, vivacious and visionary, [Chris Gillam, Headmaster] greets everyone in the morning, shows prospective families around Heath Mount’s idyllic 40-acre site and cheers energetically on the side-lines at matches... Parents trust him, the appointments he makes and his ability to orchestrate his team to evolve, enhance and improve. "  View the full review here


Tatler Schools Guide 2025

"The children are supported by teachers who are also carers, friends and mentors," says one contented parent, who goes on to say that Heath Mount's "greatest strength is its positive environment, along with its head teacher."


Tatler Schools Guide 2024

With its beautiful Georgian architecture and magnificent parkland, this Hertfordshire prep is picture-perfect.  But what steals your heart are the kids’ wide smiles.  ‘If a child is happy, then everything else will follow,’ says head Chris Gillam.  This is a school that nurtures and encourages the talent in all its charges; and testament to this are their teenage destinations, with Gordonstoun, Eton and Millfield being popular. 

Muddy Stilettos School Review 2024

“This happy and nurturing Co-ed has everything you’d expect of a top-notch Prep, from tradition and history to modern facilities and an award-winning wellbeing provision.”

“It does seem that the kids genuinely look out for each other and there’s a palpably caring ethos in the air.”

“Most independent schools have the odd tradition here and there, but Heath Mount has quirks in spades, and we love it for that.  My personal fave is the Golden Pinecone award for building the best den, which is handed out at termly ceremonies (and is much anticipated!) I think this also sums up the value that the school puts in kids being kids – adventurous, happy and free – and the thrill of that continues well into Years 3 & 4, it’s not just for the littlies.”

Herts For Learning Early Years Gold Quality Standard Award

"The team at Heath Mount are highly reflective of all aspects of their practice and strive to provide the best for their children and families." (2024)

"The school have worked on fostering a love of learning within a happy community, with an emphasis on positive relationships and cooperation, in order to help the children flourish, feel valued and enjoy every day in school." (2021)