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Inspectors Award Rare 'Significant Strength'

ISI Report Highlights A Culture Of 'High Levels Of Achievement In All Subjects'

We are proud to announce that our recent inspection by the Independent School Inspectorate has found Heath Mount to be fully compliant* in every aspect of our provision.  In addition, inspectors awarded the school a rare 'significant strength' accolade, which pinpoints the school's ability to 'recognise, develop and celebrate the success of every individual child' whilst perpetuating a 'culture of high levels of achievement in all subjects.'**  

During the rigorous inspection process, inspectors recognised that our pupils feel encouraged, supported and valued within our school; specifically commenting upon their sense of 'worth and purpose' and the way in which they make 'rapid progress' thanks to the support and belief of our exceptional teaching staff. 

Importantly, the report also reflects on the children's strong moral grounding and good behaviour; showing our pupils ‘understand that they all share a collective responsibility towards making the world the best place that it can be and recognise how the values which they hold are integral to achieving this’.

Please click on the link to read the full report: ISI INSPECTION REPORT 2025

In his letter to parents, Mr Gillam thanked the Heath Mount community for helping our remarkable School to achieve the recognition it deserves.  He also thanked our Governing Body for their tireless support and our dedicated staff for their daily commitment to excellence and paid tribute to our brilliant pupils who demonstrated their individuality, kindness, creativity and shared sense of purpose to the inspection team.

Below are some of the key highlights:

  1. ‘A rich and varied school curriculum of academic, creative and sporting activities’
  2. ‘Pupils maintain high levels of self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence which successfully confirm their general sense of worth and purpose with the school being effective in perpetuating a culture of high levels of achievement in all subjects’
  3. Teachers have ‘ambitious expectations for their pupils which enables them to make typically rapid progress’
  4. Pupils have an ‘understanding of the difference between right and wrong’ and being able to ‘behave well and articulate the school’s values of integrity, industry, resilience, respect and acceptance to…help prepare them effectively for the future’. 

*Schools are now judged on whether they are compliant or non-compliant (thus doing away with the evaluation of excellent, good etc.). 

**Under the new 2023 framework, inspectors can identify areas of a school as a ‘significant strength’ when they show a clear, demonstrable and highly beneficial impact on pupils.   A significant strength is awarded only in exceptional instances, where there is clear evidence of meaningful impact.