Year 6 Enjoy Interactive Look At Buddha's Life & Buddhist Traditions
For our Summer Term Curriculum Day, Year 6 pupils delved more deeply into their learning of the Buddhist faith thanks to a brilliant immersive workshop run by Sakhya and Kavita Prema from BHS Educational Workshops. Our Year 6 pupils have been learning about Buddhist culture, beliefs, and values in TPR and during the session they found out more about what being a Buddhist monk entails, explored some of Buddhism's most holy places and took part in a colourful re-enactment of Buddha's life. The children loved having the opportunity to dress up in traditional clothes and handle Buddhist artefacts. They had a go at using the singing bells, gongs and blowing into a conch shell and learnt about the Wesak festival and the reason behind why Buddhists are vegetarian. See some of the highlights in the short film below.