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Academic & Pastoral


We are proud of our outstanding teaching staff. We work as a team placing our pupils at the heart of all we do.

Our scholarship results  are impressive but most importantly we develop confident, happy pupils. Classes are small, pupils are set in some subjects to ensure that the pace and style of learning offered is the most appropriate for each individual child.  Each child’s progress is assessed, monitored and tracked through the year. In Year 7 we introduce the children to the unique Libellum Programme to ensure they fulfil their academic potential. Of the 46 Scholarships awarded in 2018, 7 were Academic and 2 All Rounders.  All our pupils got into their first choice senior school.


Heath Mount combines academic excellence with an outstanding pastoral framework. Our teachers understand that happy children learn best. We have a dedicated wellbeing team and children are recognised as individuals with all their different needs attended to. If required we offer Special Learning Support. 

We use restorative practice to resolve conflicts or friendship issues. Children are encouraged to talk with their peers about their feelings so that others can understand the consequences of actions. Often, older children lead discussions and support younger pupils. As a result, we believe that our pupils are kind,confident and caring young people who display excellent skills of empathy, understanding, and compassion to their peers. 

Let us not forget Doodle's contribution, our school dog,  who is one of the most loved members of the wellbeing team.